26 Of The Most Ornate Creations

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Though it’s one of the shortest sporting events in existence, what the Kentucky Derby lacks in length it makes up for in hats — lots and lots of hats.

The long-established Southern tradition started with the vision of Col. Meriwether Lewis Clark Jr, the bulder of Churchill Downs, the race’s historic setting. Clark — the grandson of famed adventurer and explorer William Clark — wanted the Derby to be a high-class event similar to the races taking place in Europe, which mandated full morning dress for men and women.

The Derby quickly became just as much about the fashion as the racing. The hats, however, didn’t really start to take center stage until the 1960s, when social fashion norms loosened up and TV gave women a reason to stand out. The hats became larger, brighter, and more extravagant. As the following photos of Kentucky Derby hats show, not much has changed since then:

Horses Kentucky Derby Jeff Gentner/Getty Images Flamingo Flowers Jamie Squire/Getty Images Roses Horses Rob Carr/Getty Images Feathers Matthew Stockman/Getty Images Horse Head Luke Sharrett/AFP/Getty Images Eyes Hat Marwan Naamani/AFP/Getty Images Purple Luke Sharrett/AFP/Getty Images Riding Hat Horse Dylan Buell/Getty Images Yellow Stephen J. Cohen/WireImage/Getty Images Old Lady Flowers Jamie Squire/Getty Images White Watch Dylan Buell/Getty Images Tall Hat Jamey Price/Getty Images Colorful Sisters Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images Flamingo Couple Dylan Buell/Getty Images Horse Stable Dylan Buell/Getty Images Kentuck Derby Jamey Price/Getty Images Rose Hat Andy Lyons/Getty Images Mint Julep Jamie Squire/Getty Images Miss Usa Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for Churchill Downs Group Chris Graythen/Getty Images Pink Hat Kentucky Derby Jamey Price/Getty Images Coco Rocha Mike Coppola/Getty Images Old Man Buttons Luke Sharrett/AFP/Getty Images Oversized Harry How/Getty Images Two Hats Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images Big Red Stephen J. Cohen/Getty Images

Next, let this video history of hats show you 100 years' worth of headwear in just two minutes.
