27 Stunning Photos Of Black Women From The Victorian Era

Publish date: 2024-05-22

From educators and artists to debutantes and philanthropists, these "Black Victorias" made a name for themselves in both England and the United States.

Believed to have been a debutante, Nellie Franklin showed off her parasol for a photographer in Tallahassee, Florida. Circa 1890.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida Sadly, details remain scarce about many of the women featured in these portraits — as most of the images were discovered long after being taken. And not many identification materials remain.Public Domain However, a few Black Victorian women remain just as well known today as they were when they were alive. Sarah Forbes Bonetta, the African princess who became Queen Victoria's goddaughter, was perhaps the most famous Black Victorian in all of England.Wikimedia Commons Though many Black Victorians were revered as wives and mothers, some of them made names for themselves as educators and artists as well.Library Of Congress Some of the most successful Black women during the Victorian era became philanthropists — and gave back to the less fortunate members of their communities.Public Domain Frances Gqoba, a member of the African Choir, who toured Britain during the 1890s. Here, she's pictured in London in 1891.Wikimedia Commons In America, the concept of the "Black Victoria" began to take off in some communities during the late 19th century.Public Domain The Black Victoria concept was especially popular in Illinois — where a diverse group of Black locals from the North and migrants from the South gathered during the post-emancipation era.Pinterest But of course, Black Victorias didn't only gather in Illinois. They could be found in many places throughout the United States, as well as England.Pinterest Eleanor Xiniwe, another member of the African Choir, pictured in London in 1891.Wikimedia Commons Aida Overton Walker, a beloved American vaudeville performer and actress who attracted national attention in 1900, thanks to her performance of "Miss Hannah from Savannah" in the show Sons of Ham.Wikimedia Commons While not every Black Victorian woman in "high society" found fame, they all certainly made a huge impression on their local communities.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida According to Shirley J. Carlton, who wrote for The Journal of Negro History, many Black Victorias were expected to subscribe to the "cult of true womanhood" by combining the fashion ideals from white society with the traditions from Black society.Pinterest Carlton wrote, "Black Victoria, like her white counterpart, was committed to the domestic sphere, where she was a wife and mother. She ran an attractive and well-managed home, and attended to sundry household chores, possibly with the aid of a servant. She was a supportive and dutiful companion to her husband and a loving and nurturing mother to her children."Pinterest But of course, many Black women explored life outside of the domestic sphere — especially if they had a flair for the creative.Public Domain Johanna Jonkers, a member of the African Choir, pictured in London in 1891.Wikimedia Commons Though many Black women of the Victorian era were seen as progressive for their time, they were also held back by social norms.Pinterest For instance, some Black women who simply wanted to cook for single men were demeaned in the papers and sometimes even threatened with jail time.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida Aside from now-antiquated moral standards, Black Victorian women also had to deal with the enormous challenge of pervasive racism and sexism of the era — in both the United States and England.Pinterest Still, many Black Victorian women were venerated in their own communities — and were highly involved with trying to make life better for their neighbors.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida As for the Black Victorian women who were mothers, they also encouraged their children to participate in their communities when they were old enough.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida Although the concept of the Black Victoria was a fascinating trend, it didn't stick around for long.Pinterest After all, the Victorian era as a whole technically ended with Queen Victoria's death in 1901.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida On top of that, many Black women were soon turning their attention to making changes to society in general.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida As Jim Crow laws formed in America and "colour bars" emerged in England, many Black women would soon get involved with the early civil rights movement.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida Unfortunately, only a handful of portraits exist today that show Black Victorian women during this fascinating time in history.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida But of course, the existing portraits continue to inspire awe to this day. Only time will tell if historians find more of these images in the future.Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of Florida

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Black Victorian Americans 27 Rarely Seen Photos Of ‘High-Society’ Black Women During The Victorian Era View Gallery

During the Victorian era in England and the United States, aristocratic white women often had a very specific role to play: that of a wife and a mother. But for the small group of Black women who joined the middle or upper class, their role was far more complicated.

In middle-class African American communities, many women were expected to follow the fashion ideals of white society while still maintaining the cultural traditions of Black society. Meanwhile, in England, a few Black women were permitted to enjoy the upper echelons of society — with one even becoming the goddaughter of Queen Victoria herself.

But while these lifestyles seemed quite honorable at the time, they often came with strings attached. And sadly, only a few details are known today about many of these women and their remarkable lives.

Today, we're left with a small number of portraits of Black Victorian women — who appeared to be living just as luxurious lives as their white counterparts. And these "Black Victorias" made a name for themselves in a variety of ways in both England and the United States. Discover some beautiful, rarely-seen photos of Black Victorian women in the gallery above.

The Hidden History Of Black Victorian Women

Sarah Forbes Bonetta

Camille Silvy/Wikimedia CommonsSarah Forbes Bonetta, the African princess who became Queen Victoria's goddaughter, pictured in 1862.

Starting in 1880, a fascinating trend emerged in some African American communities: the concept of the "Black Victoria." This trend appeared to be especially popular in Illinois, where a diverse group of Black locals from the North and migrants from the South came together during the post-emancipation period shortly after the American Civil War.

In the so-called "high society," the Black Victoria was a new standard of beauty for Black women that had never been seen before in America. For the small, but prominent, Black population in Illinois at the time, Black Victoria subscribed to the "cult of true womanhood" by combining the fashion ideals from white society with the traditions from Black society.

Writing for The Journal of Negro History, Shirley J. Carlton painted an almost fantastical picture of Black Victoria and her place in society:

"Black Victoria, like her white counterpart, was committed to the domestic sphere, where she was a wife and mother. She ran an attractive and well-managed home, and attended to sundry household chores, possibly with the aid of a servant. She was a supportive and dutiful companion to her husband and a loving and nurturing mother to her children."

Meanwhile, in England, an African princess named Sarah Forbes Bonetta had already gained the enviable title of Queen Victoria's goddaughter.

And yet, her prestige was complicated by the fact that she was given as a "gift" to the British royal family by a rival African king who had kidnapped her — not to mention the fact that her story was used as proof of the "perceived accomplishments of Britain's civilizing mission" in Africa.

The Rise And Fall Of Black Victoria

Black Victorian Women

Alvan S. Harper Collection/State Archives of FloridaA Black Victorian woman, photographed in Tallahassee, Florida. Circa 1890.

Of course, there was far more to Black Victoria than her hard work in the domestic sphere. After all, Black women in the Victorian era weren't just housewives and mothers. From educators and artists to debutantes and philanthropists, many of these women were determined to carve out their own paths that were completely separate from the home.

Often intelligent and well-educated, Black Victorian women were proud of the work they did both outside the home and within the Black community. And because they worked extensively in the Black community, they were well aware of the many cultural and racial issues that their neighbors faced. As a result, those who were fortunate enough to help vulnerable community members often did so without a second thought.

At a time when Black people were depicted as animals at worst and caricatures at best, the Black Victorias were expected to be a "Negro representative who deserves our respect" — particularly in middle-class communities. And the standards placed upon them were rigorous.

While middle-class and upper-class Black Victorian women had a better chance of making a name for themselves than they had in years past, they were also held back by many of the societal norms of their time.

For example, a Black female teacher was the subject of scandal just because she went to the home of two local bachelors and cooked for them. This was deemed improper by Victorian standards, and the local paper quickly admonished her for the error of her ways. She was also warned against going back to their home, lest "the police find out what your business is."

And although Black Victorian women were often venerated by their neighbors, the Black Victoria concept didn't last for long. After all, the Victorian era itself technically ended with Queen Victoria's death in 1901.

Besides, it was becoming clear to many Black women that society needed a major overhaul — especially when it came to race. While legal slavery was abolished in Britain in 1833 and in the United States in 1865, legal racial discrimination remained an issue in both countries for several decades, as Jim Crow laws formed in America and "colour bars" emerged in England.

These laws — and many other factors — arguably paved the way for the demise of the Black Victoria, but also ushered in a historic era of civil rights activism that continues to this day.

After flipping through these photos of Black Victorian women, take a look at 27 bizarre facts about the Victorian era that you didn't learn in school. Then, check out 43 colorized photos that capture Victorian London as it really was.
