7 Cases Of Phrogging, When Strangers Secretly Lived In People's Homes

Publish date: 2024-06-14

Pamela Anderson And The Phrogger Who Stole Her Baywatch Swimsuit

Pamela Anderson

The Baywatch Company/Album/Alamy Stock PhotoPamela Anderson in her iconic swimsuit from Baywatch.

Actress and model Pamela Anderson, of Baywatch fame, was certainly no stranger to being the object of many people’s desires, but one fan took it to a disturbing level in 2001 when she moved into Anderson’s Malibu guest house without the star’s knowledge — and donned her iconic swimsuit.

Per The Independent, Anderson was at the height of her Baywatch fame when she suddenly noticed an unfamiliar face in the window of her guest house, which, to her knowledge, had been unoccupied.

But there she was: a homeless woman living in Anderson’s residence and wearing one of her red swimsuits from the famous television series.

“She had a letter that said, ‘I’m not a lesbian I just want to touch you,'” Anderson recalled of the terrifying incident. “She got my bathing suit out of my room, I was there alone with two babies and I remember seeing a face in a window — isn’t it the scariest thing you can think of?”

Anderson said she called security, but they were unable to find the phrogging homeless woman. Over the course of “three or four days,” the woman then lived undetected in Anderson’s main home, stealing her food.

Eventually, police came and arrested the woman. They also managed to recover the swimsuit she had stolen, but Anderson told the police to keep it. After that, she stored her remaining swimsuit in a locked safe.
