Cursed Movies Whose Sets Were Struck By Tragedy

Publish date: 2024-06-17

Rosemary’s Baby — One Of The Most Cursed Movies Ever Made

Rosemarys Baby

Paramount PicturesMia Farrrow in Rosemary’s Baby.

There are several reasons you could consider Rosemary’s Baby to be cursed. The 1968 film, directed by the incredibly controversial Roman Polanski, saw strange circumstances befall a number of people attached, including the film’s composer Krzysztof Komeda, who reportedly fell into a coma and eventually died, much like Rosemary’s friend Hutch does in the book.

According to a piece from Vanity Fair, actor William Castle received a constant stream of hate mail that caused him to develop severe kidney stones. He ended up in the hospital and, delirious, reportedly hallucinated scenes from the film — and he never made another Hollywood hit.

However, it was one year after the film’s release that the most infamous disaster would occur. At the time, director Roman Polanski was married to Hollywood actress Sharon Tate, who was pregnant with their first child. Tragedy struck in August 1969, when Tate was murdered by the Manson Family, along with the unborn child.

The public quickly began to connect the Manson Family murders with growing worries that led to the Satanic Panic. Some suggested that Polanski had offered Tate as a sacrifice to maintain his status in Hollywood. Others suggested the Manson Family were Satanists, lumping the Beatles in as well due to their song “Helter Skelter” — the words which were written in blood at the scene of Tate’s murder.

Writer Ira Levin, who first penned the novel Rosemary’s Baby, later expressed guilt that his work had “played a significant part in all this popularization of the occult and belief in witchcraft and Satanism.”

“I really feel a certain degree of guilt about having fostered that kind of irrationality,” he said.
