These Incredibly-Edited Photos Bring Us History In Color
Publish date: 2024-05-29
As the maxim goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. But in color, they say even more. We give you these amazing photos of history in color.
Some of these Connecticut high school boys in 1909 have been newsboys for eight or nine years already. US National Archives
Some of these Connecticut high school boys in 1909 have been newsboys for eight or nine years already. Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
At the 1942 fair in Klamath Falls, Oregon.Russell Lee/The Library of Congress
At the 1942 fair in Klamath Falls, Oregon.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
An injured Japanese father and child in 1944 during the Battle of Saipan. W. Eugene Smith/Life Magazine/Flickriver
An injured Japanese father and child in 1944 during the Battle of Saipan. Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Buster Keaton making New Year’s resolutions in 1929.Pinterest
Buster Keaton making New Year’s resolutions in 1929.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Metro Goldwyn Mayer star Dorothy Sebastian brushes up on her flying instructions, circa 1929.Flickr/A Diamond Fell From the Sky
Metro Goldwyn Mayer star Dorothy Sebastian brushes up on her flying instructions, circa 1929.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
A 1936 drought refugee from Polk, Missouri, awaiting the opening of orange picking season in Porterville, California.Library of Congress
A 1936 drought refugee from Polk, Missouri, awaiting the opening of orange picking season in Porterville, California.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Jane Russell in a promotional shot for the 1943 film The Outlaw. Flickr/siddacool
Jane Russell in a promotional shot for the 1943 film The Outlaw. Flickr/siddacool
Fresh socks are given to evacuated troops from Dunkirk in 1940 at Paddock Wood station in Kent, England.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Fresh socks are given to evacuated troops from Dunkirk in 1940 at Paddock Wood station in Kent, England.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Singer Sarah Vaughan, circa August of 1946.Wikipedia
Singer Sarah Vaughan, circa August of 1946.reddit/Captain-cliche
1942 Sideshow barker at the Klamath Falls, Oregon circus.Russell Lee/The Library of Congress
1942 Sideshow barker at the Klamath Falls, Oregon circus.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Rita Hayworth, born Margarita Carmen Cansino, was a 1940's screen idol and top WWII pin-up girl. Flickr/siddacool
Rita Hayworth, born Margarita Carmen Cansino, was a 1940's screen idol and top WWII pin-up girl. Flickr/siddacool
West Indian and Australian troops in 1917 during the Battle of Ypres, stacking 8-inch shells at a dump. Imperial War Museum
West Indian and Australian troops in 1917 during the Battle of Ypres, stacking 8-inch shells at a dump.Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
Two women with a tuba, Washington, D.C., 1928. Harris & Ewing Collection/Shorpy Photo Archive
Two women with a tuba, Washington, D.C., 1928. Colours of Yesterday/Facebook
French actress, singer, model, and animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot.Flickr/siddacool
Mark Twain in the garden, 1900. Reddit/Zuzahin
Elizabeth Taylor on the set of the film ‘Giant’, 1956. Photographer: Frank WorthReddit/Malakon
V-J Day in Times Square, August 14th, 1945. Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt.Sanna Dullaway/Deviant Art
Walt Whitman portrait, 1887. Reddit/DanarKeller
British Troops in England, September 20th, 1939. Reddit/BenAfleckIsAnOkActor
H.W. Murphy, testing his bulletproof jacket, October 13th, 1923. United States Library of Congress.Reddit/BenAfleckIsAnOkActor
Charles Darwin portrait, March 7th, 1874. Reddit/mygrapefruit
Boy with Stuffed Toy in London during WWII, 1945. Photographer: Toni Frissel. Reddit/HansLucifer
Hindenburg Disaster, May 6th, 1937. Photographer: Murray Becker. Reddit/danarkeller
Nikola Tesla, 1893. Photographer: Napoleon Sarony. Reddit/danarkellerPhoto-editing software has never been more affordable or easier to use, and as a result various artists have used the technology to physically alter the way we view our past. Indeed, we can now see centuries-old events in color, which inevitably has the effect of making the events captured by camera seem more "real." Don't believe us? Check out these photos of history in color and see for yourself:
Next, check out the world's first selfie and history's cool kids: the best of old school cool.